And you can't just actually give her a call and smooth things over? In the amount of time it took to transcribe that, you could have probably been laughing about this with her... right?
- Jim brobborb wrote: >Alright my GF is in another city and I remembered her telling me she was >coming home today (her home is not anywehere near me tho)...... > > >I text messaged my her "I can't wait to call you tonight at your house were >somethin thin for me!" >She replies "how are you going to call me AT my house?" >I reply "Didn't u tell me u were going home today?" >She replies "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CALL ME *AT* MY HOUSE?" > >So i I figure that she was just being funny with me with my grammar, I meant i >was going to call her house when she gets there.... > >I reply "Well you know what I mean! ::kiss::" >She replies "WHO ARE YOU GOING TO GO SEE?" > >So i thought she was just being silly right? > >I reply "Some nice girl :)" (that nice girl being her!) >She replies "Enjoy yourself" >I reply "Do you want to join?" >She replies "I dont know how to answer that but like I said enjoy yourself" > >So I'm like, WTF is going on i thought she was being playful now it feels like >something is wrong. >I reply "I dont understand?" >She replies "You dont really care do you?" > >OK, it took me a while, but i finally figured out WTF is going on. SHe thinks >that i had mistakenly sent her this message that was meant for someone else!!! > So she must be thinking that I am tryin to msg some girl and going to be at >her house! OMG JUST BEING I MISUSED A PREPOSITION OMG OMG OMG SOMEONE SAVE ME >WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMEN!!!! > > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: