My fault for not patching

> I'm confused. Esbot contaminates through Windows shares via a plug and
> play vulnerability. Wouldn't their server being infected be their
> fault for not patching?
> On 8/17/05, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I got an email from one of the places giving me free hosting for some of 
>> my stuff telling me that I have the ESBot virus. I go in, update 
>> everything, clean everything out, etc. Takes me a nice chunk of time. Now 
>> I get another email saying that its re-infected and that they don't want 
>> to provide for me anymore. When it rains it F*cking pours! Now I have to 
>> do through everything again, clean it all up again and hope for the best 
>> that I don't get the virus again. That and find a new host. I hope Greg 
>> at AHPHosting (they host the HoF box) has some room for me. :(
>> That and I lost a client today due to me being so depressed last week 
>> that I couldn't move. Everything just falls apart at once. What next, I 
>> lose my hair? My beard goes white? Oh, those are already happening.
>> Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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