On 8/19/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bush is the first president of the US to initiate a pre-emptive war?

I don't think you understand the meaning of pre-emptive.

> What about the false reports and "Remember the Maine" drumbeat that led to
> the Spanish-American war in 1898? Which can hardly be called a war, more a
> massacre.
I'm not very knowledgeable on the Spanish American war, but I'm fairly
sure we didn't invade another country during that one.

> Let's go back even further......the American Revolution was a rather
> "pre-emptive" war.

No  president during the Revolution.   Also, we didn't invade England.
 We just drove them out of the US

> How about the US Civil war? Someone had to start that.

South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter.    Lincoln called up the troops
to defend the nation against the states that seceded

> Did Vietnam attack the united states? That sounds like a "pre-emptive" war.

We sent in advisers at the request of the South Vietnamese government.
 Then troops.  The enemy in Vietnam was from North Vietnam and China. 
 Should we have been there?  No, but it wasn't a pre-emptive action.

> Did Korea attack us?
No, the North attacked the South, who asked us for help.

 How about Serbia under Clinton's watch?

Humanitarian mission to stop ethnic cleansing.

> Don't think that Bush's brand of American militarism around the world is all
> THAT novel.

No, it has parallels throughout history, but not from action by a US President.

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