I'm not sure Bush did all he could, nor do I believe he came across
presidential or as a strong leader (but hey what else is new). However,
I find it hard to put him at the center of the blame.  

Pre-storm and levee break the blame falls squarely on the local and
state government. They failed to evacuate the poor from the city, or
care for those in the Super Dome and Convention Center. 

Post storm and levee break it falls on the state and federal level
agencies (FEMA, Homeland Security, etc..).  They failed to maintain or
restore order, get adequate supplies to those in need or to rescue
people in a timely manner etc..

I would like to see Bush have the situation investigated and if it is
determined that Federal level Agencies failed in their assigned tasks
then the head of those agencies should be fired.  However, that would
require Bush to be strong and Presidential, something I've yet to see
him do.   The state and local level government officials will have to
answer to their constituents. Let's see if they are re-elected.  I'm not
sure criminal neglect charges would stand.  I wouldn't mind seeing them
charged though.  

The lack of the local government to follow established emergency plans
cost N.O. alone thousands of lives. 

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