OK I can see why some people might think I'm a right-wing Religious nut-job.
Let me clarify, I'm not against gay marriage, I just don't think our
culture is ready for it so let it go for a few more years, maybe
things will change. Right now if civil union works use it. I'm totally
against states banning civil unions and if a particular states civil
union doesn't allow for equal rights then I say change it.

I was addressing the religious aspect of this. American culture is
strongly based on religion so that may be why it was originally taboo
but now many non-religious people are against gay marriage. It's now
embedded in our culture. Pedophilia is accepted in some cultures but
not here yet, if it were condemned in the Bible, Gruss would insist we
legalized it.

The studies Larry is referring to show homosexuality is a
physiological condition. What about rape and pedophilia? That'll get
me in trouble but I don't mean it as an insult gay. I'm referring to
rumors I heard somewhere that rapist and pedophilias are incurable. If
it weren't for society they would be considered normal. I'll save
Larry trouble and admit I know nothing about physiology or psychology.
I'm just trying to make a point about culture. And that is it's more
cultural then religious so when culture acceptance changes then they
can use the word marriage.

I think the same culture that causes gays to want their bond to be
called marriage is the same culture that's forbidding it. If the clerk
asked me if I wanted a marriage or civil union way back I would have
said which one is cheaper. 12 years later I still haven't looked at
that document, I don't even know where it is. So why would they need
to use that word so much if it weren't for the culture that made that
word desirable? Why do gays have a civil right to use the word
marriage? I think someone mentioned bestiality on this list way back,
what about the civil rights to marry your dog? I should have the civil
right to put PHD after my name while we're at it. I don't even know if
that's illegal :)

Now for the Greeks and Romans. I'm no expert on Greek culture but if I
remember correctly the men married women for social reasons but had
sex with anyone that entered the orgy. Although accepted in the
culture it was usually behind the scenes. Roman culture might have
been the same, I know even less about that.

Now you all know why I usually like to keep it short and to the point,
it's been 25 years since I was in an English class :)

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