Here in lies the problem, you think you're OPINION is based on fact
and everyone that doesn't agree with you is wrong. There are no facts
that prove I was in error to vote for Bush, just opinions. And I have
been using facts to dispute your trolling remarks blaming all the
deaths from this hurricane on the President, there's plenty of blame
to go around for all levels of government.

When you post a remark like "The President's stupidity has killed many
people and will kill many more in the future" is a troll to get people
arguing. It's not rational dialog, "well if the President did this, it
might have helped here" is rational dialog. What you do is troll
because you want someone to fight with you. And you know I take the
bait all the time.

On 9/9/05, Gruss Gott wrote:

> It's not a troll.  People make errors, pointing them out and giving
> reasons why is not a troll.  I make mistakes all of the time.  Many
> people on this board have changed my opinion on lots of stuff.
> Telling someone they've made a mistake, and stating why is not a
> troll.
> Making antagonistic pointless statements is a troll.  For example,
> tacking on "regardless of facts"  to my statement implies I have an
> opinion not based in fact.  Since you have declined to mention what
> those facts are, it's a troll.

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