It's a common trick in small business advertising to intentionally misspell
a word or two in order to make you notice and remember the sign.  My father
does it on some of the 40+ billboards he has between Myrtle Beach and
Florence, SC for Sparky's Fireworks.  It does not detract from the business
at all.

Even when words are not misspelled, people don't understand them.  He
advertises "Exotic Candies" and people want sexual chocolate, seriously.

Matthew Small

-----Original Message-----
From: David Lakein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 1:06 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: one for Professor Tango

How about this one:

There's a billboard on my way to work, spelled "MARBLE AND GRANIT
COUNTERTOPS" (has been there for years). Few months ago the lettering
started falling off; they put it back up as is.

On 9/8/05, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Drives me nuts, too.  And I'm not anything near an English teacher. :)
> In fact, I think that was my worst subject.
> Nothing drives me crazier (well maybe /something/) than driving around
> and seeing those marquee signs that you slip the letters in, and the
> sign is misspelled, uses the wrong word, or is just grossly
> grammatically challenged.  If you don't know, if you're not sure, then
> LOOK IT UP!  ASK SOMEONE!  Fires me up.
> Seriously, I'm not asking for perfect sentences or anything, just
> something that makes it look like you passed the 5th grade.  Grrr....

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