Ah, but if you read many news reports, the message they are giving is that 
the destruction is in response to the Israeli 'occupation'. If so, then they 
would be destroying signs of the Israeli government. They are not.
If Israel destroyed all the 'unused' mosques in Israel, there would be war. 
There was massive orgies of death when a mosque was turned (back) into a 
Hindu shrine a year or so back.

As to what happened to the Mosques in Israel, they are still there.

I don't think the world is out to get me, Jews or Israel. Just Islam, the 
media, the UN, and a few other groups out there. Islam has been pushing for 
the destruction of Jews and Israel for a LOOOOONG time. The media plays the 
situation for their own use while spouting more than enough lies to keep the 
conflict going. The UN just stands back and issues anti-Israel resolutions 
on a regular basis.

And yes, Israel wants peace. They gave the entire Sinai back to Egypt for 
peace and didn't really get it. They exited Lebanon and are still being 
attacked by Hezbollah (under the watch of the UN). They've given land to the 
Palestinians again and again and we see where that's getting them. How much 
more does Israel have to do before people start asking what the other side 
is going to do/give. They've compromised and compromised and the result is 
fire and rockets. The middle east is not a place of compromise but Israel 
keeps trying. I guess we'll just have to wait till Iran has the bomb and 
we'll see the situation resolved once and for all.

> So lets see if I understand this correctly.
> The Palestinians did not destroy government buildings or military bases.
> Both of which they would need for the administration and secuirty of their
> land.
> They did however destroy synagogues. how many Jews now live in these 
> areas?
> Or right, none. So how useful are those synagogues? Oh, I guess they are 
> not
> useful.
> So they kept what they needed and destroyed what they did not need. And
> they world is not up in arms over this? How can it be?
> how to handle the synagogues was a touchy issue that was going to leave
> someone unhappy. They probably should have been moved. Feasibility well
> that's another question. But it would have be the most politically
> acceptable solution. The Jews who worshipped there would have had the 
> peace
> of mind that their houses of worship still existed and could be accessed
> etc... And the Palestinians wouldn't have to keep up buildings that they
> would never use.
> By the way, what happened to the Mosques that were in these areas prior to
> the Israelis taking control?
> Michael, I know its hard to believe but the entire world isn't out to get
> you, all the Jews or Israelis. Yeah, there are some that are, they should 
> be
> treated harshly. However, the over dramatization of each and every 
> situation
> gets old and actually takes away from your arguements and cause.
> The Jews will not eliminate all their foes, nor will their foes eliminate
> them. They've been fighting for what seems like forever. They've been at 
> it
> since the inception of modern Israel (1948?). Let's try a new approach.
> Let's try compromise and see where it gets us. Its a new approach and it
> will have its ups and downs (destroying synagogues etc...), but whats the
> alternative? Continue to fight and kill each other?
> Nobody has really tried a peaceful solution. Now that Arafat is gone let's
> give it try.

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