People are still going to take a lot of crap, whatever happens with the pledge. 
That's why this whole thing is so stupid.

We have this decades-long struggle going on in San Diego over the cross on top 
of Mount Soledad. The cross was erected in the 1950's as a memorial to the 
veterans of the Korean War. A local atheist sued the city, which owns the land, 
to remove the cross, and the case has been in court forever. Recently, a judge 
ruled that the cross was a violation and had to come down. The citizens of San 
Diego responded by voting overwhelmingly in a referendum to transfer the land 
to the federal government as a national monument. The same judge has blocked 
the transfer of the land, and the case is still pending. We've spent millions 
and millions of dollars legislating this issue. That is nuts.

> Not to put to fine a point on it, but have you ever lived somewhere 
> were 
> if you weren't a Good Christian (tm) you were the devil?  I caught a 
> lot 
> of crap in HS for my beliefs (or lack thereof).
> Personally, I think we should just take the "Under God" bit out and 
> move 
> on, but I don't think that's likely to happen.
> On a semi-related note, does it amuse anyone else that we're "One 
> nation, indivisible..." even though we technically aren't?
> --Ben

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