Hey guys what a week!  Spent most of last week on the east coast went all the 
way up to northern parts of New Jersey.  I missed a turn on my way to a drop 
yard and ended up in a residential neighborhood.  UH OH!  I hate it when this 
happens it usually means I'm screwed cos there's no way out cos i have a 53 
foot trailer on me haha.  So i looked for a place large enough to make a turn 
and luckily came across this small gas station and it looked like it was gonna 
be realy tight.

halfway thru it, a cop flashes at me he comes over and says "STOP!  You're not 
gonna make it!" he was pointing to the power line pole that was a few feet away 
from the side of my trailer.  I was like "I missed a turn!"  he was like "You 
DAMN RIGHT YOU MISSED A TURN!"  I guess someone had called the cops on me 
because I had passed the gas station at first cos i thought it was too small, 
but then drove reverse half a mile cos i didn't want to dig myself into a 
deeper hole haha.  I asked him if there was another way out of the place and he 
said no and I told im i was sure I can make it, so he left, and I did make it 
out I am so proud of myself only a professional could make a turn like that =)

The truck is having problems with the fuel pressure.  I when i left New Jersey 
I was doing like 5mph on interstate 78 and it was single lane cos of road work. 
 there were like 30 trucks behind me, they were all pissed off.  This thing 
would crawl every time I go uphill.  So glad i made it all the way to Texas.  
For some reason the problem comes and goes!  I am in Ft. Worth right now.  
ANyone live here and can recommend a nice Chinese Buffet?  :D


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