i appreciate, and i will have another version up tonight, with the
correct blackness in :)

sorry for the misguided layout crap, i was tired when i was doing this
last night, and missed a few DUMB things.

look for another request for critique tonight.


On 10/26/05, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:39 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: site critique if you have time
> >
> > please take a look, if you have time and let me know what you think of the
> > site.
> >
> > the old site is:
> > http://www.marketstreetinnsalisbury.com
> >
> > the new site im doing is:
> > http://www.marketstreetinnsalisbury.com/new2
> Well, it's better than the old one.  By Far.  ;^)
> Some thoughts:
> +) Personally I don't like the splash page.  Most of the page is empty
> (large image, large negative space). It has little to no content.  The menu
> at the top is easily missed (it blends in as the common "portal" menus used
> by sites like AOL and MSN do) and slightly difficult to read (too small).
> The internal page layout would make a perfect entrance page with the content
> area containing news and such.
> It also has a standardized menu.  Right now you're moving the main
> navigation around - this is rough on the user... it starts on the top then
> slides to the side.  Also the two menus don't have the same items - this is
> also difficult since the user may visit the site wanting to go to a specific
> area but that area may only be linked from internal pages.
> So, personally, I'd ditch the splash page completely.
> +) Even the internal menu is slightly difficult to read.  Perhaps just make
> the text larger by a hair.  (ask some older folks, over 60, to take a look
> at it and see what they say - if they can read it without squinting then
> it's fine.)
> (As an aside this is a good informal acceptance test: take a laptop to the
> park and ask the strangers there their opinion of your site.  You can also
> sweeten the pot by offering $10 or $20 for their time.  It's a little
> embarrassing at first but most people, especially older people, like to talk
> and you'll get some very useful information.  One hint tho' - even if you
> DID build the site, tell them you didn't.  You don't want them trying to
> save your feelings.)
> +) Generally I don't care for white-on-black text... but I can read it.  You
> might get complaints from some people however as, for some people, it's very
> hard to read.
> +) Personally I would place the "contact us", "faqs", etc menu under the
> main content area (beneath the dotted line or directly above the line with
> some space between it and the content).  This will pin the item making it
> easier to find.  As it is it seems more like "content".
> Also this secondary "tools" menu is larger and clearer than the main text.
> I would make the main menu more prominent.
> +) As a general consumer site the abbreviation "faqs" may be too technical.
> Although it is common enough that it may not be.  However changing to
> "questions" or "common questions" might make it more accessible.
> That's it off the top of my head.  All my (I like to think educated) opinion
> of course, take it for what it's worth. ;^)
> Jim Davis

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