Regarding slavery, America was not built on slavery. A very small 
percentage of people in America actually owned slaves; and it was not legal 
through the majority of the country.

In the north where the majority of the manufacturing and mercantile 
industry was there was no slavery.

I don't know if you know this. America fought a war in which 3 Million 
troops, out of about 30 - 35 Million people, slaves included, and over 
600,000 died. The roots of this war were slavery. While Lincoln said the 
war was to preserve the union, the South said it was over slavery.

Does this make it right. Of course not, but people need to stop and look at 
the facts sometimes.

I deny that America in general spends a lot of time in front of the TV. 
Most people I know don't have time to watch TV. They are working and going 
to school and taking care of kids. I only have time to watch TV for about 3 
or 4 hours a week.

As for people buying things they do not need. Of course people buy things 
they don't need. Everybody buys things they don't need. I am sure you buy 
things you do not need. We are people, we want things. Hey I don't need to 
have a computer, a truck, a TV, or even electric lights. I could walk to 
work, and get up with sun and go to bed with stars. But I don't want to. 
Does that make me a bad person?

>I was illustrating your original stereotypical view of people in the middle
>east. I've included your line above. I do not generalise nor sterotype
>people at all. Are you denying that America (in general) spends alot of time
>in front of it's television sets? That everything America's people buy they
>really need. That America does not engage in practices that are as inhumane
>as the example you gave above? That America never engaged in slavery or that
>their is no racial disparity in the US.
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