I seem to remember in that past that this site gets alot of traffic
right around new years.  So much so that it's been a topic of
optimization advice on CF-Talk before.  Knowing this, the total
homepage size is 325442 bytes, including 21 files (including one


Now, not knowing the previous years traffic patterns, I'll leave that
math to Jim, but I've been involved in high traffic sites before and
know that the size and number of files on any single pageview is
directly related to a site's ability to scale.  It doesn't matter how
speedy your machine is if you blowout the bandwidth.  I've seen
machines maxed out with only 30% CPU utilization because the NIC's
reached it's limit.

Also, this site looks like it's hosted at Hostway?  Maybe on a shared
box?  It would be amusing to be a fly on the wall when a shop with a
print focus tries to deal with the load spike.  Hopefully Hostway
remembers previous years and will deal with the traffic beforehand...


On 11/18/05, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well... after doing the site for 10 years First Night Boston decided to go
> with somebody else (the specifics are that a grant auditor forced them to
> move a single service provider for print, online and radio work and I can't
> do all that).
> Well - the new site is up now: www.firstnight.org.
> What do you all think?  I'll reserve my comments since I can't expect myself
> to be unbiased.  ;^)
> Jim Davis

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