Ok, so I have a new client, their site is in development at the moment. Much
of the site is now complete and ready for population before it goes live.
I've given the client access to our development server and talked them
through the admin area on several occasions pointing out functionality etc.
The backend uses TinyMCE with the simple theme to allow things like strong,
em, u etc and to help generate user provided content that looks in keeping
with the site... All the content that I've put in looks great. The site runs
in UTF-8 and supports all of the high characters that Word can throw at it
but that still doesn't allow for all the HTML junk that gets pasted in

Our client has just spent the last few hours copying and pasting from Word
into TinyMCE and now the (X)HTML (it was XHTML before copy and paste was
introduced) is just awful. 

How the hell is a site supposed to be XHTML compliant and accessible when
Word is putting junk in like this .... p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:
0in 0in 0pt" ... ???

That however is not the worst of it.... I found embedded javascript in one
of the news articles that had been posted to the site content!!!! The thing
is, using something like TinyMCE means that I have to trust the user to put
in nice things into their textareas. I even found anchors referencing
javascript scripts on other domains!!!! 

The problem is that I can't just strip out all the HTML or use
HTMLEditFormat because that would mean no nice layout, no nice formatting
and no strong, em or u which they need :(.

I've rattled off several mails this evening educating them on the risks of
a) pasting from Word and b) pasting in javascript code but I have this
sinking feeling that our latest and greatest creation is about to be defiled
by the unknowing masses!

Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! It makes me want to cry :(


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