I think this was a record. However, Edmonton *is* officially subartic and
people do freeze to death there. I'm just glad I am elsewhere. It get cold
here but not to that point. Cold here means we see frost and maybe it snows
;) Santa Fe has another 2000 ft in altitude so they usually have snow in Dec
from what I understand.

On 12/3/05, Jillian Koskie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is very infrequent that it gets that cold where I am.  We'll usually
> have
> 2-3 days of KILLER cold through the winter... My niece was born on January
> 13, 2005 and it was -54C with the wind chill.  Now with that said, the
> wind
> chill make a HUGE difference.  Without the wind it was only like -23.
> Typically in my city it's -15C to -20C during the colder winter months.
> --
> Jillian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 7:29 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: we're gettin snow
> The last year I spent in Edmonton we went 90 days without ever going above
> zero. Fahrenheit, mind you, this was before Canada went Celsius. When you
> took the wind chill factor into account it frequently went down to -50 and
> the like. I took three city buses to school every day during this period
> and
> was also responsible for my little sister.
> This of course has nothing to do with my present southside location :)
> Dana
> On 12/3/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Dana wrote:
> > > But about to drop to 17F according to this. I guess that must be
> > > that "colder than cold" forecast the radio was talking about.
> > >
> >
> > About 10 years ago it was -68^F here in MN - that was a record I drove
> > to experience, but where I was was about -30^F.  Cold enough to pound
> > nails with frozen bananas.  Cold enough to toss a glass of hot water
> > into the air and have it fall as ice.
> >
> > Just about everybody's cars wouldn't start even with a block heater
> > because their battery would freeze.
> >
> > I used to ice fish and you can do that in a small shack you build from
> > plywood.  Then you sit in there and fish, play cards, and drink beer.
> > Well in this -30^F weather we were inthe shack and had the heater
> > going so it was nice and toasty, but the walls started forming a frost
> > that eventually got 1/2" thick even though it was like 70^F in the
> > shack.  Now that's cold.
> >
> >

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