Well, I've been trying to pick up some food coloring markers from someone
for days. But, she keeps forgetting to give me her actual address. Grrrr.

Oh, and I loooove the people that reply to offers saying, "I'll take it -
where is it and when can I get it?" or, even better, "where you at?" Ah,

On 12/26/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I post: Offer - green velvet dress, size 16. Further details are given
> in
> the body.
> Immediate response from someone - "What size is it please?"
> Ai. The eggnog must have been good in Albuquerque...
> --
> You can read it in the paper, read it on the wall, hear it on the wind if
> you're listening at all; get out of that limo look us in the eye, call us
> on
> the cell phone,  tell us all why

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