Sweet - good going. I've never done a marathon, and don't think I'd be much
good at it, as I get bored with long runs. But, exercise is definitely
addictive and very good for the mental health to boot.

I'm about 90% sure I'm going to do an indoor triathlon on March 11th. It's a
1/4 mile swim/5 mile bike/2 mile run. I've been talking about doing one
since last year.  I had an IT band injury and bursitis last year, so I
started doing water workouts as rehab. When things were better, I started
swimming. But, I wasn't in shape for the early season ones (the shorter
ones) and I did not want my first tri to be a late season one - longer and
with more competitive folk.

I'm trying to convince Jason to do it with me. He's not quite so psyched
yet. I did get him to do a brick workout with me yesterday - 5 mile bike + 1
mile run. Not bad for my first brick workout.

I'm assuming your speeds are mph. Otherwise, you're flying seriously fast.

On 1/10/06, Erika L. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thought I'd give an update on my mileage ...
> Last two days I've done a total of 4 miles each day, running 2 of them
> at a speed of 4.0 & 4.5.
> So I'm hitting my target of 2 miles a day, EXCEPT ....
> I have decided to enter a couple of runs this year with a friend. He
> wants to do the Atlanta full marathon in November - I might try for the
> half, unless I get really good over the summer then I'll go for the full
> one. So I need to keep upping the mileage.
> There's some nice light 5k's in June ... That's my short term target.
> One thing that's weird ... This running stuff can be addictive. I took
> Sunday off and by the time the evening rolled around I was really
> jonesing for a run. Same yesterday - I usually run midday, but last
> night I was restless, almost wanted to go down and run another mile for
> the sheer hell of it. But I know I shouldn't overdo it. I'm also doing
> the weight training as well. I wish there was a raquetball club nearby
> as well. That's such a great cardio workout.
> Anyone here ever run in a marathon?
> There's one thing about working out as well. Things have not been the
> best around here personal wise - and I have not been able to concentrate
> on too much, especially work and deadlines ... The workouts are making
> me feel TONS better and I'm starting to get back on track mentally.
> There's still a long road to go down ... And I'll at least feel good
> about following it.
> Cheers,
> Erika

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