RAD 6 is AWESOME, if by awesome you mean bloated memory hog that sucks more
than a 25 cent whore in broklyn.  I actually installed a normal version of
eclipse on my computer to use cfeclipse and do my CF (and all the other)
coding on. Soon OHHH so soon everyone will be on cvs and the IBM protal
technology will be completely dropped and GONE will be Websphere Developer
Studio and all that is IBM in the IDE. Goodbye ClearCase, goodbye websphere,
hello CVS (they for some reason don't like subversion I think it has
something to do with SOX, got me) hello Jboss. Now if Adobe would just
officially support CFMX on jboss life would be perfect. We've been taking a
seriously look ad BD b/c it supports jboss fully and happily.


On 1/16/06, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm being forced to move to RAD 6 (IBM's WebSphere development environment
> based on Eclipse 3) at the office and to make the transition as smooth as
> possible I've decided to try and get into Eclipse at home as well.
> I've got the core release and (of course) CF Eclipse.  What other plug-ins
> do you think are "essential"?  Mostly I'm looking for HTML/CSS/JavaScript
> stuff (since that's what I do most) but it would also be nice to have a
> RegEx tool (I noticed there are several available) and perhaps some other
> related tools.
> I'm a little disappointed that there doesn't seem to be a straight-up HTML
> perspective available - anybody know of one?  CFEclipse does a fine job...
> but it would still be nice to have a "simple" HTML perspective with
> reference material.
> Speaking of that - I already really miss all of the attached documentation
> (for HTML, CF and CSS) that I've been used to in CFStudio - any similar
> packages?
> So far I've been pretty impressed with Eclipse... but I find it very rough
> around the edges.  Very little documentation, very little help.  But I
> think
> I could learn to appreciate it in time.
> RAD 6 is a whole 'nother story - imagine Eclipse.  Got it?  Now imagine it
> with another two GIG of bloat and running at 20 times the memory with 1/20
> the speed.  That's RAD 6 in a nutshell.  ;^)
> Thanks in advance.
> Jim Davis

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