Okay, let me get this straight:

- Gov't forcing wal-mart to give workers a certain level of healthcare.

- Gov't using emminent domain to take land from citizens and
small-businesses to give to wal-mart.
- Gov't giving subsidies and incentives to wal-mart that they don't
give to other businesses.
- Gov't redoing roads, highways and interstates in order to accomodate
wal-mart, which they don't do for smaller businesses. Note that taxes
have to be raised to do this.
- Gov't supporting morality legislations to appease wal-mart's business model.

See, the point isn't that free-market capitalism is bad and leads to
companies like wal-mart. If that's what you think we're saying, then
we're talking past each other. This isn't about ultra-left liberalism.
The point is that wal-mart isn't playing free-market capitalism.
They're playing corporate owned government. The people are supposed to
be the government, but when they're locked out of the process like
happens here then you just have corporations running the show and
people are just mere vassals.

I understand why you, Gruss, would support this. But I don't
understand why Tim does.

On 1/16/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wal-mart reflects it's customers and does what the customers ask.  If
> customers stop going to Wal-mart because of "subsidies" or a lack of
> social consciousness, then Wal-mart will suddenly get a social
> conscious.
> Because ultra lefties have failed to get Wal-mart's customers to agree
> with them, their only recourse is to get agents of the government to
> force their will upon Wal-mart's customers.
> This is the classic ultra left radicalism: "do what's best for
> yourself or we'll force you to."
> If any of these people really cared they'd get a good ole series of
> demonstrations going.

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