See that's the difference, a Democrat makes a racially insensitive statement
and all is well when he apologizes.  A Republican makes a racially
insensitive statement and he could go back in time and single handedly end
slavery thus preventing the Civil War and would still be tarred and
feathered as a racist when he got back.

Do you honestly think if there was an (R) instead of (D) next to his name
that Ray wouldn't be hearing calls for his resignation?

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:26 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Ray Naggin = Pat Roberton

I also noticed this article in this morning's Washington Post:
New Orleans Mayor Apologizes for Remarks About God's Wrath

By Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Saff Writer
Wednesday, January 18, 2006; A02

NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 17 -- An avalanche of criticism, stoked by heated
talk-radio rants, forced Mayor C. Ray Nagin to apologize Tuesday for
declaring that God wants New Orleans to be a "chocolate city."

Nagin, who is black, had said during a Martin Luther King Jr. Day
speech that "this city will be an African American majority city. It's
the way God wants it to be." He also said "God is mad at America" and
"is sending hurricane after hurricane" because He disapproves of the
United States invading Iraq "under false pretenses."

Nagin's remarks drew a furious reaction from white and black leaders,
as well as residents, in New Orleans, prompting him to tell reporters
Tuesday that the comments were "totally inappropriate." The dustup is
the latest in a series of controversies over remarks made by the
mayor, a former cable television executive elected in 2002 without
experience in elected office.

Nagin was lambasted by Hispanic leaders last fall for asking a
business group, during a speech, what he could do to prevent New
Orleans from being "overrun by Mexican workers." He also was
criticized for saying shortly after Hurricane Katrina that 10,000
people had probably been killed in the city, and that there were
rampant rapes and murders taking place at the Louisiana Superdome,
where thousands had sought shelter after the storm. The actual death
toll for the state was closer to 2,000, and journalists and law
enforcement officials have criticized the initial reports of rapes and
murders as grossly exaggerated.

"I think he should speak less," Loyola University political analyst Ed
Renwick said Tuesday. "He has a reputation of saying the first thing
that comes into his head without thinking it through."

The pitched reaction to Nagin's remarks reflected tensions in a city
struggling to rebuild. Many of the most deeply flooded, and now
uninhabitable, neighborhoods are predominantly black, leading to
predictions that there will be a huge drop in the black population of
a city that was 67 percent black before the storm.

Nagin did a round of interviews Tuesday, attempting to defuse the
controversy, which spurred cable television polls and hours of talk
radio debates. "How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate,
you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is
the chocolate I am talking about," he told CNN affiliate WDSU-TV in
New Orleans. "New Orleans was a chocolate city before Katrina. It is
going to be a chocolate city after. How is that divisive?"

Nagin, in his King Day speech, took African Americans to task, saying
God is surely upset because "we're not taking care of our children
when you have a community where 70 percent of its children are being
born to one parent."

In his remarks, the mayor urged black New Orleans to come together. He
implied that white neighborhoods such as Uptown were saying that
blacks would not return but told his predominantly black audience that
"this city will be chocolate at the end of the day."

Renwick said Nagin may have been trying to shore up support with black
voters. Nagin was elected largely because of support from white
residents, collecting 90 percent of the white vote, while losing in
nearly all predominantly black neighborhoods. But, Renwick said, it is
unclear whether Nagin's remarks were the result of rhetorical
clumsiness or a calculated political move.

"He's had so many of these . . . I used to think it wasn't
calculating, but now I don't know," Renwick said. "People tend to
think it's another Nagin-ism."
(c) 2006 The Washington Post Company

On 1/18/06, Russel Madere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's another take on the whole issue - "Mayor Wonka and the Chocolate
> Enjoy - Russel

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