More PKD on the way (see, we don't have to say we like Dick, or Dick is on
the way):

scanner darkly from the director who did waking life.  I was more excited
about this before I saw those met life (?) or whatever commercials from the
guy who did waking life.

long live PKD


On 1/17/06, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've never seen a movie based on a Dick story that actually followed the
> story.
> They all seem to take bits and pieces, but never the "heart" of the story
> and produce overblown epics.
> It often works: I loved "Blade Runner" (but it's definately NOT "Do
> Androids
> Dream of Electric Sheep").  "Total Recall" was extremely fun (but NOT "We
> Can Remember it for You Wholesale").
> But they all have shared themes.  Dick loved to question our minds: am I
> "real"?  Are my memories real?  Am I what I've done or what I'm capable of
> doing?  Is there a difference?
> The theme of reality vrs perception is strong in pretty much everything by
> him.
> I almost think for him the actual stories, the plots, are secondary - it's
> the characters reaction to technological challenges to their perceptions
> that matter most.
> Jim Davis

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