> +1.  I'm against the gov't enforcing an arbitrary morality which
> "socially responsible" is as certainly as Gay Marriage is.

Yes. But ensuring that business concerns cannot destroy the environment in 
which they operate.....that's certainly acceptable. You can call this 
"social responsibility", but it's certainly not a morality issue. The 
environment is shared by all of us, and destruction of the environment in 
which otherse resides can be seen as an intrusion on their rights.

> Dana's Penn study is just one study amongst millions (even if we
> assume it supports her contention which I don't).
> Further, if she really wanted to give good examples of her point she'd
> point to entire countries that use the government to enforce "socially
> responsible" business, and have for decades.  2 great examples would
> be France and Finland.

I don't know what Dana's points are, and I didn't read the Penn study. Maybe 
instead of throwing around "social responsibility" and all the things that 
encompasses...we should discuss the issues more pointedly. Adam and I have 
been talking specifically about government imposed statutes on businesses as 
they relate to environmental issues. I think we are in agreement that these 
are proper, necessary, and legal.

> Without getting into details, France's implementation disproves Dana's
> theory while Finland's supports it.  However the a problem with
> Finland is that they have oil wealth which could skew the success,
> but, nevertheless, it's been working.

I guess i'll take your word on this.

> So, for me, the bottom line is this: Does that crap work?  Yeah, it
> could, and it does.  But not in the US.
> It's just like gun control.  I'm for an implementation of it if there
> were no guns.  But there are so it's too late.

That's another issue all together...... 

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