I could make that argument 3 years ago, but not today.

Even with ASP, as far as my regular tasks, the things I did on a daily
basis in CF, there was nothing I couldn't do in ASP with the exception
of file uploads. And that was solved for far less than the cost of CF.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:31 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Why is coldfusion better.
> This is a very good point.  You get a ton of extra stuff out of the
> that
> you don't get elsewhere.
> Ben Forta a while back did a cost comparison between CF and what it
> cost to build an ASP (there was no .Net yet) server that could do
> everything
> that CF could and it would have cost like 80,000 US.  Hell I couldn't
> it on google, I'd write him, he's uber-helpful.
> Another to look at is BD.  You can go either Java, or .Net for
> integration,
> and still use CFML for what it's good at, the front end of
> produced very quickly and professionally.

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