from what I remember of the issue, he basically pirated the blog cfc
code, said it was his own and resold it as encrypted code.

then when it was pointed out to him that this was wrong, he turned
around and had multiple temper tantrums. Then on top of it he tried to
sell a fix to his complaints for something like $100, more if you
wanted the unencrypted code.

that said, remember the cf community is still a public forum so we may
want to be circumspect about what we say about the person - not to
give any ideas but we don't want to be hit with any defamation suits.


On 1/25/06, Kevin Graeme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did he lose in Ray's blackjack code challenge or something? Maybe he's
> off his meds?
> He's actually making some good points about security issues, but the
> vehement fuming vitriol is bizarre. I mean, I've seen a few issues
> with some of Ray's stuff too, but I don't blame Ray. He's freely
> releasing something that works for him and does what he needs and if
> others like it then great.
> P.S. Ray if you're reading this, have you considered supporting either
> MetaWeblog API or Atom API?
> On 1/25/06, Robert Everland III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't know if any of you have been keeping up with what has been going on 
> > with Ray Camden and his blog and this guy. Some of the technical issues 
> > this guy talks about are just ridiculous. I think Ray is a great guy and 
> > has released a lot of his code to the community. One great quote in there 
> > is this "This is the real problem with Open Source code that is given away 
> > for FREE for all to use. It is just too tempting for Open Source authors to 
> > design-in Security Holes they or others can use to gain access to YOUR 
> > valuable data." WTF, isn't the whole point that you had access to the code 
> > and you MAY have potentially found a security hole and now you can fix it 
> > and let the author know about it. Windows just had a backdoor in their code 
> > (by accident who knows for sure) and no one found it for over 10 years 
> > because they don't have access to the code. Ugh this guy just pisses me off 
> > and he doesn't allow comments on his blog anymore so I am venting here. If 
> > you wish to see his crazy rantings go here 
> >
> >
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >

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