I doubt there is any way that the Isreal-Palestine issue can become wwIII.
A local war, sure. Even a nuclear local war. But I don't seemore than 4 or 5
countries getting involved when/if that happens.

Let's see.

Palestine vs. Israel

Israel gains the support of the USA, hence the UK and a dozen
other countries unwilling to say no (see list of USA Allies in Iraq, reduce
number by about 50% give or take 10%)

Palestine drags in a half dozen middle eastern Arab / Muslim countries
(Iran, Lebonon, Syria etc..) If the war gets too out of control countries
like Saudia Arabia, and Egypt will be forced to support Palestine or
alienate themsleves from the muslim world.  So they may not supply troops
but would provide financial support either directly or covertly (after
reading the the transcripts and all available wrtings concerning the Iran
Contra affair).

Germany and France sit on the fence.

Another two dozen countries make billions selling weapons and supporting the

It may not be a World War but I sincerely doubt that it would be isolated to
just the Palestinians and Israelis.

Personally I would invest in Haliburton and most any other company
associated with the US miliatry Complex.

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