> Jerry wrote:
> The "scandal" involves the handling of the event itself, the
> appearance of a media cover-up or intentional delay, and the
> allegations of media disdain.

Yup, it's a point of process or "best practices".  Sure there's the
this-is-a-small-deal argument, but anyone who breaks the rules for
something like this is likely to do it for other things.  At least
that's been my experience with human beings.

Take development.  You've got some developers that document everything
they do and always unit test no matter how small the change.  When
things go wrong with the build it's rarely, if ever, them.  Then
there's the coders that don't respect the process and rarely follow
it.  When things go wrong it's almost always them.

So what this does is cast doubt on Cheney's credibility when it comes
to, say, following the process in wiretapping American citizens.

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