Props to you if go. I wonder what's going to happen. The Russian were clearly 
disappointed by the outcome of their talks with Iran, and I think they have 
finally come around to our way of thinking, that Iran is hell-bent on getting 
the bomb and that just can't be allowed. 

I always like to remember that unlike the U.S., Russia is bordered on the south 
by largely Muslim nations- many of which have a lunatic fringe who participate 
in the global Al Qaeda franchise. They have far more to worry about from 
Chechen separatists detonating a nuke in Moscow than we have from Al Qaeda 
getting a nuke into the U.S. 

What I don't know is whether the Russians will ever get on board with using 
force against Iran. Their last adventure in Central Asia- Afghanistan, 
ironically- cost them many lives and was a huge humiliation. 

Personally, I'm all for bombing the hell out of Iran as soon as possible. It 
has been clear to me since they kicked out the inspectors that they were aiming 
to get the bomb. The last six months have been a chicken-shit game with the 
Europeans basically begging Iran not to move forward, and the Iranians stalling 
the Europeans. I believe their strategy is to stall right up until they set off 
a test nuclear explosion, then stake their claim as a nuclear power. 

Israel can't let that happen because an Iranian bomb means the end of Israel. 
The U.S. will protect Israel's right to exist, and that will mean bombing the 
hell out of Iran, so we might as well get to it.

>So how do we then deal with the nuclear showdown that Iran is forcing upon
>us right now?
>Far as I can see we have 2 large military forces in countries on their
>borders (Iraq and Afghanistan).  Looks like we have a pretty good situation
>should an invasion be needed.
>If Syria steps out of line too far we could let Israel handle that, use
>British forces in Iran, and we'd be ok I think.
>Means I would get activated, but you know what, might even be worth it.
>Ha ha, now that's putting you're money where your mouth is :) 

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