Considering the US is the only country to have used Atomic weapons in
war, and is the only superpower in the world, and has proven a
willingness and ability to unilaterally invade and destroy a soverign
state...then yes. If you do not agree with BUsh's tactics one can
easily see how he would be termed a larger threat.

He is the head of the only Superpower in the world which can project
it's military might globally.

On 3/17/06, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then you are not thinking very hard. Personal hatred for Bush seems to be
> clouding the judgement of a lot of otherwise serious, rational people.
> So, in an honest evaluation, you decided that the Bush administration was
> more dangerous than:
> 1. Al Qaeda, a terrorist organization whose stated goal is to wipe out the
> Western world and install an Islamic empire from Spain to Indonesia
> 2. Iran, an Islamic theocracy whose stated goal is to destroy Israel and
> hasten the return of the 12th Imam i.e. by starting WW III.
> 3. North Korea, a slave state with nuclear weapons run by a lunatic with a
> god complex.
> Is that right?

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