> I think this show is now officially better than The Simpsons.

While I enjoy the Family Guy tremendously (currently waiting for my
delivery of Season 4 DVDs). I do not agree that it is better than the
Simpsons, if for no other reason than really the only comparisons
between the two are that they are both animated and both on Fox (Oh
yeah, and there's a Mom and a Dad and son and daughter and baby...and
a dog. Though the dog on the Simpsons only talks during Halloween
episodes...There's no cat on Family Guy though! so there!).

The style, the writing, etc. are completely different and not intended
to compete IMHO. Simpsons has been doing a variation on the Cosby show
for ~17 seasons now, e.g., somebody always learns a lesson or has
their comeuppance (the variance from Cosbyism comes from the fact that
Marge/Lisa are sometimes _wrong_, which violates Cosbyism number one -
"The womenfolk shall n'er be wrong, twill always be the man's fault."

Family Guy doesn't follow these strictures.


"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
- Carrie Fisher

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