:) nice.  and btw, happy bday


On 3/24/06, Jillian Koskie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tony,
> I've had the chance to give these a solid listen (in some cases more than
> once).
> I have to admit... Fix You has that 'falsetto?' voice effect that is a bit
> 'nails on chalkboard' to me.  But I also have to admit that I quite like
> Swallowed in the Sea and Everything's Not Lost --added them to the iPod in
> fact.
> Aside from the voice... I must say I quite like the lyrics.
> --
> Jilian
> *** *** ***
> Fix you (X&Y)
> Til Kingdom Come (hidden track on X&Y)
> Swallowed in the Sea (X&Y)
> Everything's not lost (Live version from "Live 2003")
> small list of some fav's which is tough since i like
> absolutely every song they have produced. but these
> are some great ones.
> let me know

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