It absolutely boggles my mind that Vets are treated they way you guys are.
If you are putting your ass on the line day in and day out for your country
and are injured in any way shape or form the least the country can do for
you is take care of you, for as long as it takes, what ever it takes.

Your expected to fight for your country risking your life ducking bullets,
bombs, and grenades, but don't make sure you don't get any lasting injuries
because we aren't taking care of you. What a load of crap!

It amazes me that the gov't can blow billions on bullshit but cant take care
of those that actually needs it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Loathe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:58 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Veterans Affairs

Ok, you guys know me.  I am not a person that normally likes government

However I have always thought that veterans (war vets, not guys that serve
in peace time) should be well taken car of, and I feel that this
administration has really dropped the ball with my generation of warriors.

Just to give you guys the back story.

I have PTSD pretty bad.  Not the dive on the ground at car back fires kind
(actually bangs don't bother me at all, whistles from fire works and shit
really get me bad), rather the nightmares no sleep reality and anger issues

Now, I've been on Paxil for about a year, and it really did help a lot.  I
ran out last Thursday.

I do consulting right no, money is great, but no benefits, you know like
medical.  We are, and have been, waiting for BC/BS to get around to either
approving or denying our application, and my transitional assistance medical
care from the military ended back in December.  The VA is available to me,
however, I make too much money.  They have a sliding scale, and I would have
to pay 100%.

So essentially I am now doing the cold turkey Paxil withdrawal thing.  It
sucks, baaaaaad.  Not as bad as the shit on the web would have you think.  I
mean, I'm not dying or anything.  I get shocks through my whole body like
crazy.  I yell, a lot, and for me to say I yell a lot, that's bad.  I am
almost always shivering.  Not from cold, just shivering.  I am insulting ,
more than normal, a lot more than normal.

I figured, I would suck it up until the new insurance kicked in.  The wife
had other plans.  She calls the VA yesterday, and they treat her like gold
on the phone, make out lie I'm something they are really concerned about,
and say they will have someone contact me within the hour.

Still no call.

Last time I went in to a VA hospital I had broken my foot, this is years
ago, pre 9/11, took my 6 hours to be seen.  At the time I was making 20K a
year.  I still had to pay for the visit and the meds , oh and BTW yes, I was
a combat vet prior to Afghanistan.

Anyway, I'm not so worried about myself, I can manage.  I'm concerned about
the wounded, the guys with real mental health problems, and the guys that
can't just "deal".  WTF are we doing for them, I am sick to my stomach to
hear about Bushie trying to cut VA benefits, and talk about invading Iran
almost in the same breath,  who the fuck does he think do the invading, it
sure as shit isn't the Air Force.

Sorry, I know long rant, just something I am thinking about, opinions?

Timothy Heald
Analyst, Architect, Developer
W: 202-228-8372
C: 703-300-3911

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