> SS wrote:
> I'd vote for a centrist from either party as long as I was reasonably sure
> that they'd stick to their guns and not be bullied by the extremeists

Yup I agree, however here's my problem: the parties are all messed up
right now.  The Democrats are really floundering trying to decide what
their core is.  The Republicans have been taken over by the Religious

So here's my dilemma:

1.) I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
2.) The Dems are an unknown quantity, they could go fiscally liberal,
but maybe not.
3.) The Republicans (really the Neo-Cons) are fiscally liberal and
socially conservative - that's opposite of me and so a complete

McCain and others may be able to bring the Republicans back to sanity,
but then the Neo-Cons might suck in McCain - it's a risk.

On the Democrat side you've got some goodness in Biden and a few
others, but it looks like Hillary might win the nomination which would
make it tough for me.

Ideally I want a Democrat President and a Republican Congress, but,
like I said, the parties are all messed up now so that success formula
kinda goes out the window.  And we've also got to take into account
military skills these days.

It should be interesting ...

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