On 5/1/06, So Kenfused wrote:
> As I remember it the internment of Japanese-Americans, was looked back on
> as a mistake.  It was the interment based on race and nothing else and there
> was no evidence of any spying activity, etc.. by any of those interned.
> I also seem to remember somthing about reviewing history in order to keep
> from repeating our same mistakes.

Yes, and no one is suggesting we intern Arab-Americans or Muslims in camps.
My point was simply that the American public has traditionally accepted some
curbs on liberties in times of conflict.

> So I would argue that overzealous reactionary measures might be better put
> on the back burner for a short period of time until the hype dies down.
> Afterall what has the Patriot Act achieved?
Hard to say, because so much information is classified. We know that there
have been no further attacks in the US since 9/11, and terror cells all
around the country have been successfully detected and broken up. That's a
decent tradeoff in the short run.

Robert Munn

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