Lol! You think that's what he meant?

Sorry I only have this to go by:
"You'll have a person
like Gel rally against US imperialism - maybe justifiably.  But you
have to wonder if there isn't benefit to it."


o/ I WANNA be a Cooowwwboooyyy!!
With the top let back and the sunshine shining!!
I can smell a pig from a mile away /o
ohh..oh wait..hang on.

I forgot..the *real* cowboys are all...
"I wish I could quit yew.."

Who colonised Sweden btw? Who interfered in Latin America's growth?
Why is European society so much more enlightened than...

But..oh why bother.

Massa...come'n show us how it's done Massa..we dun know how ta save ourself...
show us the Waaaay Massa!

and In God We Trust.

On 5/3/06, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gruss can speak for himself, but his comments seem to be directed at
> imperialism generally and not the US specifically. I would actually trace it
> back to European imperialism starting in the 16th century. This is a very
> large generalization, but here goes: the places colonized by Britain- Canada
> (except Quebec), US, Australia, New Zealand, Belize, much of the Carribean
> island chains- followed a path of local representative government and free
> markets, and they are in pretty good shape today. The places colonized by
> Spain (and throw Portugal in there)- most of Latin America, the Phillipines-
> followed a more Catholic/monarchist imperialist path, and they are not
> generally as developed, stable, or prosperous as the original British
> colonies.

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