It was dumped for a similar system that will be developed by an American 
vendor in the next 5 years. i.e. they dumped a perfectly good working system 
that can save lives now for one that does not exist yet. One perfectly good 
reason for this is that America does not want to use ANYTHING from Israel in 
Iraq as it feeds into the 'insurgents' claims that this is all Israel's 
fault. i.e. blame the Jews 
Israel is one of two worldwide vendors that can supply a certain caliber 
ammunition to the army and the order is that the bullets from Israel are 
only to be used for training.

As for the system itself, it's a high tech ageus system that uses ultra high 
speed targeted shotgun like projectiles to detonate not only the single head 
of the RPG but all of them on a multi-head system. Reactive armor has a 
problem besides weight in that all you need is a multi-head projectile and 
it can be defeated. This has become the standard for attacking and a 
'pre-hit' system that tries to take out one or more of the explosive heads 
is a fantastic idea. Not a force field in the standard idea but still a 
field of protection, of a sort.

The real problem is that the US army says they have this or that new weapon 
and it never gets beyond the announcement phase. They've been promising us 
lasers, sonic weapons and a whole lot more since I was a kid. Israel doesn't 
have the luxury of making false promises of equipment. It's just an issue of 
using it. I can just see an American plane forced not to land in Pakistan or 
the UAE because it has an Israeli anti-missile system. (A European country 
decided to ban El Al planes from landing in it because it had an 
anti-missile system on it. Just wait till all planes have to have it)

Michael Dinowitz
Host: House of Fusion
Publisher: Fusion Authority

> On 5/9/06, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Check this out, pretty cool, if it actually works as advertised:
>> Link goes directly to video. SFW, but does have sound.
> And the Army is passing it up
> So Much for "Force Fields"
> A few weeks back, buzz was building, fast, for Trophy, an Israeli
> "active protection" system that stops rocket-propelled grenades in
> mid-air. At the Naval Surface Warfare Center, demonstrations of the
> vehicle-mounted defender a went well, with the Trophy's four radars
> picking out out RPG threats, and firing a kind of buckshot at the
> incoming shells. In Israel and here in the States, test vehicles were
> getting equipped. Fox News got so fired up, it declared Trophy to be a
> "top secret... futuristic force field." Which lead some commenters on
> the lunatic fringe to cheer for the new "barrier of invisible energy
> fragments (perhaps light particles charged by lasers)."
> However they are working on "Project Sherif" - dazzler and audio pain
> generator.

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