Skorp Croze  wrote:

Can you name even one terrorist attack on home soil that has been
> foiled due to increased security and the absolute undercutting of
> civil liberties in the US? What are the many "known" attempts? How has
> the Patriot act, wiretapping, ISP raids, library record searching
> helped prevent these?

For a small sample of foiled terror plots, see this story:

There have been several specific publicized terror plots broken up by
federal agencies in the last several years. And that is just the stuff the
government is publicizing. Who knows how much other stuff is going on that
they are keeping secret until it is safe to reveal.

As for undercutting civil liberties, everyone is aware that we have
sacrificed some freedoms in the short term in exchange for security. The
last poll I saw said that a majority of Americans still supported the idea
of curtailing some liberties in exchange for security. For instance, a big
majority is in favor of the NSA wiretapping program. Why? Because most
people aren't talking to terrorists on international phone calls, and
regular, everyday people think that the government should find the few
people that are talking to terrorists on international phone calls.

Our foriegn relations are good? Really? I would say that they are as
> bad as they ever have been in the history of the nation, across the
> board.

You apparently don't remember the 80's, when western Europeans were
demonstrating in the streets in mass numbers for the US to withdraw troops
from the continent, or the 70's and 60's when almost all of Latin America
was controlled by tinpot dictators who decried US imperialism (as they
repressed their own populations), or the 50's - the era that gave us the
phrase "the ugly American". It just goes with the territory of being a world

Don't forget that, despite his cartoonish image abroad (and for some at
home), Ronald Reagan led the charge that defeated communism as a global
ideology. Leadership sometimes means making decisions and sticking with them
in the face of tough criticism. And sometimes doing the right thing makes
you enemies.

Robert Munn

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