that reminds me of this conference call I was sitting in on.  Our VB
programmer is russian and even though he's been in the country since
'90, he still has a heavy russian accent.  Most of us in the company
don't really notice too much.  However, we were talking on this
conference call to some programmers of this insurance application.  On
the application, there's a button to check a payee against the Office
of Foreign Assests Control, or OFAC.  The button is labelled OFAC and
it wasn't working.  During the call, my coworker repeatedly talked
about the "OFAC button does not work".  The programmers on the other
end just kinda ignored him.  It took us a while before we realized
since he pronouces his A's a little differently, what his question
sounded like: "The O-Fuck! Button does not work" :)

On 6/22/06, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So we were doing a podcast with Hal and Jeff about the Fusion Authority 
> Quarterly Update and they mentioned the initials. We didn't think of it 
> originally but now we have a slogan.
> "The Fusion Authority Quarterly Update, The FAQ for U. If you don't like it, 
> FAQ U"
> OK, maybe not that last part, but.... :)
> Michael Dinowitz
> President: House of Fusion
> Publisher: Fusion Authority
> Adobe Community Expert

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