Agreed: your solution sucks, but at least you have one :)

I really don't know what I would do...the problem seems too big and complex
for an idiot like me. All i really know is that I would start by
decriminalize marijuana, and redeploying those resources towards the harder,
more destructive drugs.

On 6/23/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm saying that we need to be solution oriented with all of these
> policy issues.  In this case I understand your objection, I have the
> same one.  However neither of us have a better idea.
> So let's say that someone decided to lead.  They'd put together a team
> of experts to study the problem, do an options analysis, and choose a
> direction.  If that direction included paying people to get high, and
> you still didn't have a better solution, then it's time to follow; or
> at least get out of the way.
> In this case, we've already got a bad plan, so what's the worst case
> scenario in trying to contain and treat?  There's no improvement.
> So, yes, you plan and you come up with an idea.  I've done that in a
> small way and you oppose it, but you have no better idea.  When people
> act this way in the business world they usually find themselves
> "pursing other opportunities."

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