Wow, everything the Bush Admin does is a lie because not liking him is
enough proof. But forging documents to throw an election, doctoring
and staging photos for propaganda are fine. As long as it skews the
story to your point of view I guess.

Anderson Cooper:
While on the Hezbollah side, it's really interesting — I was in
Beirut, and they took me on this sort of guided tour of the Hezbollah-
controlled territories in southern Lebanon that were heavily bombed.
They are much cruder, obviously. They don't have the experience in
this kind of thing. But they clearly want the story of civilian
casualties out. That is their — what they're heavily pushing, to the
point where on this tour I was on, they were just making stuff up.
They had six ambulances lined up in a row and said, OK, you know, they
brought reporters there, they said you can talk to the ambulance
drives. And then one by one, they told the ambulances to turn on their
sirens and to zoom off, and people taking that picture would be
reporting, I guess, the idea that these ambulances were zooming off to
treat civilian casualties, when in fact, these ambulances were
literally going back and forth down the street just for people to take
pictures of them.

Green Helmet Guy:

Michelle Malkin examines more suspicious MSM photos from Lebanon:

Israel says BBC not reporting war fairly:

On 8/10/06, Dana wrote:
> I was thinking more of the one someone was describing where there were three
> plumes of smoke instead of one. It should not take place in a news photo,
> and if you re-read me you'll see I said that.
> However, if there was in fact an air strike I don't see the point,
> especially of doctoring the photo, but of having a heart attack over it
> either. I smell red herring. We've seen a lot of that here lately -- forged
> documents and pointed fingers. It's becoming quite a theme of this decade.
> As for the dead civilian, I perhaps have the benefit of clicking the link to
> that blog later than the rest of you. The Times is now saying that the man
> was injured *while* he was showing the photographer something, but was not
> killed.
> Meanwhile, what I see is a very amateurish site that specializes in accusing
> the mainstream media of lying. And *I'm* biased.
> oh-kaaay.

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