> Dan Rather trying to get Kerry elected almost benefited

I didn't say almost. Who did benefit?

> And I challenge you, I double dog dare you, to come up with one completely
> > honest public statement Bush has ever made. As president. I'll spot you
> the
> > ones about "I call you my base" and "This is the guy who tried to kill
> my
> > dad at one time."

I know, I can't think of one either.

> Take a look please at the rest of your post. Hezbollah wants to get the
> story of the casualties out. How is this surprising or inherently evil,
> please? Assuming that there are in fact casualties, naturally they want to
> get the word out.

Because it's staged, fake, propaganda.

Is it? Always? Nobody died in Lebanon? You're so bogged down in
it-wasn't-52-it-was-26-maybe-if-that that you are losing the big picture.

Addendum though, if what you quote Anderson Cooper as saying is true then
sure, this is poor journalism if anyone actually distributes these pictures,
but look...

It's ok apparently in your opinion  to call a political opponent a lesbian,
it's just fine to brand a decorated veteran a coward and even admirable to
change the subject to an alleged forgery when one's own war record is
brought into play, but the fact that the other side of a war wants to
publicize its side is evil to you? They are just as entitled as Israel, Sam.
They may not do it as you think it should be done, but, my friend, PR

>So Hezbollah just wants the facts out but Israel is tweaking the news.
>Your mind is set no point discussing this.

Not at all. Both sides are providing their own spin.

You keep wanting to see prejudice where there is none. The fact that I don't
believe everything the Israelis say doesn't mean I believe everything
Hezbollah says. Nor for that matter do I believe everything Anderson Cooper
says. I thing he's a reasonably neutral observer who is describing the part
of the elephant that he sees. Hezbollah is less neutral and may have its own
agenda but it is describing the same elephant.

Israel is describing the same elephant seen through a different belief
system. In my opinion. I make no claim to expertise in the middle East and
never have. However, before you call me anti-Israel again, I suggest that
you notice that my position on this is that I don't like it but I don't see
what choice Israel has. I wish I did. So go call somoene else prejudiced,
ok? Or actually, don't bother. I don't want you to think I am objective just
because I agree with you on this. Your categories bother me.

>> Frankly I don't give a damn what Michelle Malkin or some guy in a green
>> helmet have to say.

>I know

So don't waste my time with them.

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