> Dino wrote:
> >5 weeks?
> >
> > Are you serious?  How long do you think it takes to fight a war GG?

I haven't forgotten any of that, I'm just applying solid management to
it: set goals, design strategy and tactics, measure progress.

Via that method the Iraq war was a failure on about week 5.  The other
4 years and 47 weeks have just be confirming data points.  And I've
been saying exactly that.

Using the same method with Israel, they failed on day 1.

If you really want to understand the management of war read Sun Tzu or
listen to Gen Patton: "I don't want to die for my cause.  I want my
enemy to die for his."

If your strategy doesn't support that then you'll lose.  America
violated that principle the day the failed to secure Iraqi borders and
hold territory they fought to win.  Israel violated that on day one.

You could even go farther and say that, in general, the American
military is woefully unprepared for large scale urban combat in an
"asymmetric environment."  Until we fill in that hole we'll lose every
war that isn't about total destruction of the land our enemy occupies.

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