
I'll have a go at this later,


>On 9/24/06, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Then Casey Dougall wrote::
>On that note, I've made a few alterations that will fix this (at least 
>to some degree), but first a couple of other minor points.
>You can use the shorthand method on elements such as padding, margin, 
>and background without repercussion. So the following ...
>#header {
>       height:144px;
>       width:100%;
>       position:relative;
>       top:0; left:0;
>       background-color:transparent;
>       background-image: url(/images/headerBG.jpg);
>       background-repeat:no-repeat;
>       background-position: right top;
>       text-align:center;
>       }
>... would become
>#header {
>       height:144px;
>       width:100%;
>       position:relative;
>       top:0; left:0;
>       background: transparent url(/images/headerBG.jpg) no-repeat top right;
>       text-align:center;
>       }
>See <URL:>.
>If you're using DW or some such other editor, you can and should set 
>these preferences in the program.
>Next, you have these rules in your content and contentColumn divs:
>       float:left;/**/
>       top: 0;
>       left: 0;
>but left and top are only properties of absolute and relative 
>positioning, serving no function here and should be removed. Also, in 
>your #contentColumn you have re specified margin and padding:
>       float:left;
>       top: 0; left: 0;
>       /*min-width:60%;*/
>       max-width:500px;
>       width:470px;
>       position:relative;
>       margin: 0px;
>       padding:0px;
>       padding-left:5px;
>       padding-right: 5px;
>       margin-left:5px;
>       height:auto;
>       vertical-align:top;
>       font-size:.85em;
>This entire rule can be rewritten like so:
>       float:left;
>       /*min-width:60%;*/
>       max-width:500px;
>       width:470px;
>       position:relative;
>       padding: 0 5px;
>       margin-left:5px;
>       vertical-align:top;
>       font-size:.85em;
>Now onto the breaking layout. Change your #contentColumn to the following:
>       margin: 0 255px 0 155px;
>       padding-left: 5px;
>       padding-right: 5px;
>       vertical-align: top;
>       font-size: .85em;
>  }
>and add ...
>/*hide from ie mac\*/
>  * html #contentColumn {height: 1%;  margin-left: 5px;}
>... which prevents the 3px jog from taking effect in IE (since I've 
>altered the contentColumn to use margins only for positioning this 
>allows it to become liquid, but in doing so I had to remove the float 
>since floats always require a width (according to the specs) and this 
>then triggers that IE bug. If you don't like the holly hack then feel 
>free to use conditional comments. I see you've encountered this bug 
>elsewhere on your site so this should be nothing new.
> From #rightColumn, remove all of these:
>margin: 0;
>None of them are required for your layout. You are also using a 
>min-height of 400px on most of your layout divs for some reason. I 
>understand why this is sometimes required, and I use it myself from time 
>to time, but here there is no need. Remove them all and add a left clear 
>to your footer to keep that below everything.
>#footer {
>       text-align: center;
>       clear: left;
>       /*clear: both;*/
>       padding:2px 0 5px 0;
>       margin:2px 0 5px 0;
>       width:100%;
>       }
>And finally, in your html, change the source order so that the 
>#rightColumn comes before your #contentColumn:
><div id="content">
><div id="leftNav">
><p>&nbsp;<br /></p>
><li><a href="";>Organic 
><div id="rightColumn">
><img src="industrial.cfm_files/rightSideBG.jpg" alt="right side fluff" 
>title="right side image" border="0"/>
><div id="contentColumn">
><a name="skipContent"></a>
><h3>Industrial, Wastewater</h3>
><p>Industrial water contaminant reduction poses unique challenges,
>particularly dependent upon targeted contaminants, concentration
>levels, and the relative cost/benefits to their capture and disposal or
>recovery. From contaminated earth remediation or ground water concerns
>to precious metal recovery in mining and chemical processing, our
>extensive knowledge of material performances gives our clients the
>confidence to focus their efforts on what they know best.</p>
><p>Surfatas brings a bundle of technologies and materials to your
>situation. Our team can work with your partners, vendors, and suppliers
>to complement what is already in place. Of course, we can also support
>your efforts in developing an entirely new solution to your problems,
>using the latest in technologies, additives, and materials. Surfatas
>technologies are effective at parts per thousand or parts per million.
>They can be either broad in spectrum or highly specific. We understand
>other characteristics of the fluid will play a factor as well. The
>Surfatas technologies are designed to function in a wide variety of
>conditions as well.</p>
><p>What kind of contaminants is your team challenged with?</p>
><div id="horizontalList"><ul><li><a 
>href=""; title="Organic 
>Compounds">Organic Compounds</a></li><li><a 
>title="Dissolved Metals">Dissolved Metals</a></li></ul></div>
>If you prefer that your content come nearer the top of your source, then 
>use one of these layouts instead:
>And I just noticed in your leftnav you also seem to be using empty 
>paragraphs above and below your navigation for spacing. No need for this 
>at all. Simply apply either a top and bottom margin (or padding) on the 
>ul (or even the leftnav itself would work in this situation) and remove 
>the empty paragraphs.
>Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything critical to making this work. 
>Tested locally on IE6, Firefox 1.5.07, and Opera 9. If none of this 
>makes sense just write me off-list.

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