
Jumping in a little late here, but this is something I think about a
good bit.  I'd recommend reading Joel's article on developers and what
motivates us as developers.  It's not always about the benefits or
money (thought they do count).

When I'm looking for a job, I tend to view the benefits, pay and other
compensation as a given and then look at the rest of the more fuzzy
criteria talked about in that article.  I mean, as long as I am
getting market rates and some sort of decent health benefits, I'm more
about the working environment, the co-workers I am working with, and
what types of projects I'm working on.

Of course YMMV, and everyone does have their own individual
motivations.  Some people may view health benefits and/or pay as the
most important, others may focus on the social aspects, and others may
focus on the technical challenges/opportunities of a job.

For a big company, compensation is often set in stone, but for a
smaller one it's more flexible.  I think finding someone you can work
well with and who fits the job is important first and foremost, and
then if they are a reasonable person, you are a reasonable person, and
both the candidate and the employer *BOTH* feel strongly about working
together, working out the compensation is fairly easy to do.  It is
important to have a baseline though - just to make sure you aren't
taken advantage of.


On 10/3/06, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For some reason the topic of employee compensation keeps coming up recently 
> in personal conversations, and my last experience with it was twenty years 
> ago in our family's previous business, so I'm terribly out of date on the 
> subject.
> What would you say is a good compensation package -- salary, benefits, etc?  
> The hypothetical person being compensated would be talented in the 
> technologies s/he is currently using, wanting to learn exciting new 
> technologies, blah blah blah -- typical headhunter BS description.
> Before you fire back with "Eight million dollars, company car, etc, etc," I'm 
> looking for serious answers -- if I can get them from you guys ;)  I could 
> really use some perspective.
> Also, what are the intangibles you find most important in companies that are 
> hiring?  Some of the people I've been talking with left a previous job 
> because of things that I would normally find trivial compared to employment 
> as a whole, but then again I wasn't there.
> One thing I've heard from lots of people I've talked to is how violated they 
> feel when they are forced to take drug tests or the like.  And things like 
> background checks for credit or criminal history.  I know there are fields 
> where things like this are considered necessary, but I'm narrowing the scope 
> to our industry because it's the only one I'm familiar with.
> Any feedback you guys can give me would be appreciated.  I don't know why 
> this is so much in my mind, but when it gets like this I have to go all the 
> way through a subject before I'm done with it.
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
> BlueDragon Alliance Founding Committee
> Get advanced intensive Master-level training in
> C# & ASP.NET 2.0 for ColdFusion Developers at

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