and speaking of Vulcans, Doug Feith says we're all wrong about Rumsfeld...

On 11/13/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gates and the neocons
> IN THE Washington Post James Mann, the author who chronicled the rise
> of the neoconservative movement, has an interesting take on the
> nomination of Robert Gates as defence secretary. He says Mr Gates may
> not prove to be the realist counterweight to the neoconservatives that
> many expect. He recounts a debate within the first Bush administration
> over how to deal with Mikhail Gorbachev:
>     The administration was divided. James Baker, the secretary of
> state, wanted to test out Gorbachev. The anti-Gorbachev hawks were led
> by Robert M. Gates, the deputy national security adviser. Gates's
> principal ally was then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney.
>     Baker vs. Gates/Cheney: That alignment should serve as a warning
> to those who view Wednesday's representing the
> triumph of Bush the Father's administration over Bush the Son's. Any
> such analysis is far too simplistic. Gates's nomination unquestionably
> stands for one proposition: a long-awaited recognition that the
> administration's war in Iraq has been a disaster. But the broader
> interpretation of the appointment as representing a victory of Bush 41
> over Bush 43 -- or of one school of thought over another -- breaks
> down when you look at Gates's background and the history of the 1980s
> and early '90s.

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