Cf-talk dude. more tech oriented questions should go there.

On 12/19/06, D F <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trying to obtain system Ram, using the following code below: I'm basing it on 
> Javascript  code that does retrieve this... trying to make a coldfusion 
> version of it.
> The way I assumed it worked was that calling the memorys.Instances_ method 
> would return a collection. At least it does with JScript in the form of an 
> enumerator object.
> And maybe it does if ( and only if ) there is an enumerator object present, 
> and CF has structures etc not an enumerator object. In CF when I call 
> memorys.instances_() I don't seem to get much other than a single objectÂ…
> Any ideas guys?
> =================
> <cfobject action="create"
> type="com"
> class="WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"
> name="AX"
> >
> <cfdump var="#AX#">
> <cfset Memory = AX.ConnectServer()>
> <cfdump var="#Memory#">
> <cfset Memorys = Memory.Get("Win32_OperatingSystem")>
> <cfdump var="#Memorys#">
> <cfset imemory = Memorys.Instances_()>
> <cfdump var="#imemory#">
> JAVASCRIPT CODE:( what I'm basing the CF version on )...
> =========================================================
> var Locator = new ActiveXObject ("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
>    var Memory = Locator.connectserver();
>    var memoryerr = "0", TotalMessage = "", cr = "\r\n";
>    try
>       {
>       var memorys = Memory.Get ("Win32_OperatingSystem");
>       var imemory = new Enumerator (memorys.Instances_());
>       }
>    catch (error)
>       {
>       return ("Could not get memory info because: " + error.description);
>       }
>    for (;!imemory.atEnd();imemory.moveNext())
>    {
>       var memoryInstance = imemory.item();
>           var TVM       = Math.round( 
> (memoryInstance.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1024) );
>           var FPM       = Math.round( 
> (memoryInstance.FreePhysicalMemory/1024) );
>           var TVMS      = Math.round( 
> (memoryInstance.TotalVirtualMemorySize/1024) );
>           var FVM       = Math.round( (memoryInstance.FreeVirtualMemory/1024) 
> );

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