I wouldn't put all my faith in the medical establishment. 

Part of taking care of oneself is having the responsibility to trust and listen 
to the signals your own body is telling you. In the modern world we have become 
so detached from nature and spirit, its easier not to think at the level of the 
divine and to place our trust soley to those who have studied medicine for xxx 
number of years.

But medicine is only part of the equation of wholeness and health. There is 
also the spirit... which some may say might influence the health of the body to 
a higher degree that medicine ever could. I'm not saying the medical profession 
doesn't have a place, it certainly does, but always in balance to (1) knowing 
yourself and your body, now and historically (2) listening to the signals your 
body gives you.

Many are so focused on the daily routine that they have lost touch with 
themselves. Then they go to strangers for advice/knowledge that they should be 
cultivating themselves.

I also question modern medicine as far as how much the pharmecutical industry 
influences it. These are corporations at the end of the day who need to make 
If they find a cure they have lost their customers. 

That's kind of like GM building a car that lasts you your whole life....

>It is often said that "God can cure all ills".
>This is mostly true.
>He does it by creating people who grow up to be "Doctors".
>If you are too stupid to take your sick child to a doctor, he will die and
>go to heaven.
>God will greet him, shake his head, and say "I'm so frickin' sorry I sent
>you to such idiot parents."
>Señores y señoras: Nosotros tenemos más influencia con sus hijos que tú
>tienes, pero los queremos.

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