most universities have online offerings anymore. The big question is
whether they offer enough to get the *degree* online. I personally
would shy away from any institutution that advertises how little
attendance is required, but what I was told about University of
Phoenix is that their classes are actually a lot of work, just to
combat the perception. I have found this to be true with the online
game development and ecommerce classes I have taken recently.
Personally, though, I prefer the online format. I dislike large groups
of people at the best of times and would really rather just get on
with it. One caveat though, the two most common CMSs for these classes
bother pretty much assume a recent computer and a fast connection, and
most classes do not have the materials organized in a way that allows
for offline viewing.... if this is an issue for you.

On 1/2/07, Zaphod Beeblebrox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I really, really think that I need a degree.  I've got umpteen
> hours of general studies, but due to circumstances (called the real
> world) I've never completed my degree.  I know that there's a couple
> of you out there that have been doing online college.  I'm curious as
> to your experiences and if it's been practical to do between work and
> family life.
> Also, what college are you using?
> Thanks
> zB
> --
> Remember, Mithra is the Reason for the Season

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