Those of you with babies are hopefully well aware that Consumer
Reports has, er, reported that basically every car seat made is a
death trap and you might as well tie your infants down with wet glass
and concertina wire. Now they are saying that they outsourced the
tests -- which turned out to be flawed -- and are retracting their
report. But here's the part that gets us; the flaw is that the car
seat crash tests were supposed to have been conducted at 38mph. They
weren't. The tests took place at a much more severe 70mph. Which means
that... at 70mph the scion of your loins is toast, but at 38mph they
might be OK, maybe. Huh? But what if you like to drive fast? LIke, we
only dipped below 80 mph once today. On accident. We'll just stick to
being childless, thank you. – Jonny Lieberman

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