On 1/23/07, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any registered/active republicans on this list who can confirm this?

We've had the guy in our auditorium.  Others as well, from presidents
to hopefuls.

Yes, it does change (perhaps not the securing of the grounds, but
for sure in "vibes" and whatnot.  Bush Jr. is "closed source".  I've
seen it and can compare, i.e.: not word of mouth, but 1st person).

Oh yeah, and I confirm the "pledges" needed to attend.  This is with
our money, folks.  Jr. Bush could fart and not know it, thanks to a
crack team of what, yes men? I ponder what the real deal is. Really.

The cold-blooded forked tongued TRUE masters of the universe? =P
        ^--- not republicans, the scaly, lead'n reds by the nose, guys

No I'm not a republican.  I like small .gov and our civil liberties.
And the truth.  The dems suck too, but not nearly as bad. Currently.

Bah.  And someone told me the IRS was a private whatnot, sorta
like the Fed Re-swerve.  Interesting if the SS works for em...
(/me scratches head, thinks back to those movies -Clint in one and
whatshisface protecting a singer in another- who was the boss? =] )

LOL.  Yeah, we've been screwed for ages, but these "neo-cons" and
their supporters are animals of a different color.  I'd rather a flag burner
than some joker that can't see just how wrong things with this admin
are.  Happily saying we need to grease our cheeks --for Safety!
Bah.  LOL.  I love to bitch, and truly love America, and thus it pains
me to see us travel so far down in so short a time.  It wasn't even
hidden from us.  Nope.  Right in front of our eyes.  Like the Red Scare.

Oh well, life sure is entertaining, anyways!  Good, bad --What a trip!!!

> On 1/23/07, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Not just fundraisers, but public speeches as well.
> >
> > On 1/23/07, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I guess I'm not convinced that the SS changes their tactics depending on
> > > whether the Prez is a Dem or a Repub., but I guess it's possible. The SS
> > > is
> > > a part of the IRS, which is a branch of the Fed under the control of the
> > > current administration...so I guess it's conceivable.
> > >
> > > Republicans really make people sign loyalty oaths before attending a
> > > fundraiser??? Really? That's far out.
> > >

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