I was thinking about the Four Corners plant. I don't want to argue anything
else with Gruss the corporate apologist just now; life is too short and I
have work to do. Water, well... it's a big subject as we have seen here. If
someone pollutes the Rio Grande up near Taos, it's impractical to expect
everyone downstream to move.


On 1/28/07, Denshtarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/27/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > suppose I live there when you move your smokestack in, hmm? Suppose my
> > family has always lived there?  What happens to my choice then? What
> about
> > the kids who got leukemia  because  WR Grace improperly
> handled  solvents
> > and didn't this was important enough to tell anyone?
> Ohr, howzaboutz this:  You live upstream from me-- perhaps in another
> country, even--  and you are A) polluting the crap outta "my" river, and
> B) using all "my" river's water, so my crops 'n stuff be dying.
> Bah.  Who owns that water.  Who owns that land (I know, I know, there are
> pages and pages on "water rights" and county assessors offices and whatnot
> ;)
> Capitalism is such a non-specific word.  Like ADHD is a non-specific
> diagnosis.
> Mixed economies-- they're all mixed.  Free the Market!!! Anarchy Rocks!!
> WOot!
> (The market /should/ be free, and anarchy /does/ rock .Both == Utopia-
> 'twd
> b nice).
> Sadly, we live in an age where people don't know all the options
> available-
> and Gruss, when you said there's ALWAYS a choice, you mean death, right?
> I've read that the masters can stop their own hearts.  =P  I think the
> problem
> with options is knowing them, sometimes.  Of them or about them.  I've got
> some data that backs this up.  :]
> To sum this thing (har): no man is an island, but no continent is a man.
> I've been fhealthy most my life, my doctor would make a killing--
> (while we're at it- let's make car insurance a tax-- it's already
> mandatory)
> I've called them yotes.  They would come down the arroyo when hungry.
> Eat pussies, slow rabbits, etc.
> This word salad has been brought to you by the color three!
> Which rhyms with- sden en en eeeee!

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